Find A Theater Community

Over the weekend I had the pleasure of reuniting with half of my The Outsider cast. A beautiful reminder of the magic of theater. Not only can it turn a group of strangers into a family in just a few short months but it can also be a sanctuary amidst political stress.

The Outsider, Paul Slade Smith’s sharp and hilarious political farce, swept into my life at just the right time, as election season roared on, bringing emotional upheaval and more doomscrolling than I care to admit. The show became a safe place to land, a space where we could laugh at the absurdity of current affairs and get to know a group of wonderfully talented people.

If you let it, the theater is a beautiful escape and home all in one; almost like a summer camp for grown-ups. My advice to anyone looking to meet the very best of humanity: get involved with your local theater community. What a gift it’s been for me. 🎭💗


Life Sucks
